GET Speaker

Dr. Yoav Mazor


Dr. Mazor Yoav (Israel, Tel Aviv University 1990).

Lecturer & clinical instructor at the Prosthetic department at the Tel Aviv University.

Specialist in Orthodontics and Dento-facial Orthopedics.

Master in Orthodontics.

Lecturer and clinical instructor at the Orthodontic department, Jerusalen university (Lingual, Orthodontic TAD, Self liagting systems)

Owner & manager of the PRM 3D’s company (2007).

Professional advisor to manufacturers of Orthodontic products.

“Shiba” hospital – management of special need cases: mentally disabled, Ortho-surgery, Cranio-facial disorders & syndromes.

Professional advisor and supervisor at a national health institute- dental health

Lecturer in Orthodontics.

1990 Graduation of the Tel Aviv School of Dentistry, for the DMD degree

1990-2003 Lecturer and Clinical instructor in the Restorative/ Prosthodontic department, Tel- Aviv School of Dentistry

1993-1994 Graduation of the Jerusalem Faculty of Dentistry comprehensive education program in Implantology  (Surgical & Prosthetics) (1993-4)

1996-1999 Graduation of the “ORT” academy for the Degree in Architecture & internal design

2000 Graduation of the “Zimmer” (USA) company in advanced surgical & Prosthetic procedures in Implantology

2003 Specialization at the Dental School of Dentistry – Orthodontic Department, for the degree of Specialist in Orthodontics and Master in Orthodontics. (Graduation with Excellence).

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