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Dr. Maris Grzibovskis

Doctor Maris Grzibovskis obtained his certification in dental surgery at Riga Stradins University in 2008 and master in orthodontics at Edinburg Royal College of Surgeon in 2013. Since 2008 till now coacher and teacher for post-graduates, official scientific research at Riga University.
In 2013 opening his private practice where invest all his time into accurate treatment planning using different techniques and technologies, applying into clinical practices. From the beginning deeply interests in digital workflow and aligners treatment (indirect bonding tray with labial braces), application of neurodontic concept in orthodontic practice.
Dr.Grzibovskis is Diamond Invisaling provider and speaker for CAT clear aligner technology;
Leader in Baltic’s in aligners treatment and digital orthodontics.

Reaseach and publications:
M.Grzibovskis, I. Urtane, M.Pilmane „Current concepts of orthodontic tooth movement”, Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2008(8):78-84.
Maris Grzibovskis, Mara Pilmane, Ilga Urtane. Today’s understanding about bone aging. Stomatologija 2010; 12 (4): 99-104
Maris Grzibovskis, Ilga Urtane, Mara Pilmane, Iveta Jankovska. Specific signaling molecule expressions in the interradicular septum in different age groups. Stomatologija 2011; 13 (3): 81-6
Maris Grzibovskis, Ilga Urtane, Mara Pilmane. Specific signaling molecule expression in periodontal ligaments in different age groups: pilot study. Stomatologija 2011; 13 (4): 117-122
 2012 Hadeel Al-Shwaikh Tooth movement at molecular level. Scientifc work at RSU Dentistry department.

Awards and recognations:
2008.18.06 The International College of Dentists Baltic State Regency Student Award
2010. 9.06. RSU residency XIII scientific conference konference 1st place 2010. gada, 9. jūnijā. Rīgā

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